n Non-polar, water insoluble compound requiring conjugation with glucuronic acid to form a water soluble product that can be excreted.
n It circulates to the liver reversibly bound to albumin
n Increased production in neonate due to larger red cell volume, which produces bilirubin as cells are broken down and shorter RBC life span, so broken down faster.
n Heme is catabolized within the reticuloendothelial system by heme oxygenase to form biliverdin.
n Biliverdin is metabolized to bilirubin in the presence of biliverdin reductase
n Ligandins responsible for transport from plasma membrane to endoplasmic reticulum.
n Bilirubin conjugated in presence of UDPGT (uridine diphosphate glucuronyl transferase) to mono and diglucoronides, which are then excreted into bile canaliculi.
Enterohepatic Circulation
n Meconium contains 100-200mg of conjugated bilirubin at birth.
n Conjugated bilirubin is unstable and easily hydrolyzed to unconjugated bilirubin.
n This process occurs non-enzymatically in the duodenum and jejunum and also occurs in the presence of beta-glucuronidase, an enteric mucosal enzyme, which is found in high concentration in newborn infants and in human milk.
n Since conjugated bilirubin crosses the placenta very little, conjugation is not active in the fetus with levels of UDPGT about 1% of adult levels at 30 - 40 weeks gestation
n After birth, the levels of UDPGT rise rapidly but do not reach adult levels until 4-6 weeks of age.
n Ligandins, which are necessary for intracellular transport of bilirubin, are also low at birth and reach adult levels by 3-5 days.
n Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia is always pathologic
n When the total bili is quite high, the conjugated fraction can rise to as high as 20% of the total, although it usually stays under 1.0.
n Always check a total and direct, so that you can be sure you are excluding conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, which has totally different etiologies and treatments.
n Why we care about indirect hyperbilirubinemia
n Staining of the brain by bilirubin
n Early symptoms-acute bilirubin encephalopathy-poor feeding, abnormal cry, hypotonia,
n Intermediate phase-stupor, irritability, hypertonia
n Late – shrill cry, no feeding, opisthotonus, apnea, seizures, coma, death
n Late sequelae can include
gaze abnormalities
feeding difficulties
sensorineural hearing loss
painful muscle spasms
n Incidence of bilirubin levels>30 1/10,000
n Over 120 cases kernicterus documented since 1990
n Overwhelming majority term, breastfed
n Majority of those had levels in high 30s to 40s.
n Lowest level recorded in case series of 111 from 1991-2002 was 20.7, but the mean was 38.
n Many cases had no planned follow up and had been discharged early (<48 hours).
n An article published this year in Pediatrics makes the case for establishing free bilirubin levels rather than total serum bilirubin levels to monitor jaundice and assess risk for kernicterus
n Since bilirubin travels bound to albumin predominantly, the free bilirubin is inversely proportional to the albumin concentration.
n A low albumin level could possibly be the reason behind kernicterus occurring in some infants at relatively low bilirubin levels.
n There was a report of a 29 week infant whose peak bilirubin level was only 15.7 and yet developed classic kernicterus with spasticity, dystonia, ballismus, and gaze abnormalities.
n Her bilirubin/albumin molar ratio was 0.67. It has been suggested that a ratio of >0.5 might be a threshold in sick preterm infants.
n Wenneberg et. al. suggest that an infant with an albumin level of 2 would be at the same risk for kernicterus with a bilirubin of 15 as an infant with a bilirubin of 30 and an albumin level of 4.
n We do not have data on albumin levels in healthy term infants, but most likely, hypoalbuminemia is a concern in extremely preterm or otherwise sick infants.
n Gestational Age
n Race
n Family history of jaundice requiring phototherapy
n Hemolysis (ABO or other)
n Severe bruising
n Breastfeeding
n Pathologic by definition if significant in first 24 hours
n Usually begins to peak by 48 hours and continues until 96 hours
n In Asian infants and preterm infants, peak can continue out to 5-7 days.
n Asians-highest risk
Levels peak at 16-18 as opposed to average Caucasian levels of 6-8. There is also a later peak which can occur at 5-7 days.
n Black infants have a lower peak, rarely exceeding 12. (but they have a much higher incidence of G6PD deficiency)
n Caucasians are in the middle.
n The younger the gestation, the higher the risk of jaundice.
n 37 weeks more prone to jaundice than 40 weeker who is more prone than a 42 weeker.
n 35 and below is much more prone
n Extreme preemies also more prone to kernicterus and are treated at much lower levels.
n A child whose sibling needed phototherapy is 12 times more likely to also have significant jaundice.
n Frequently peak bilirubin levels correlate between siblings.
n ABO Incompatibility is the most common cause of hemolysis causing jaundice.
n Only 10-20% of infants with ABO mismatch develop significant jaundice.
n Some of these infants, however, develop very significant jaundice quickly.
n Coombs positive ABO is more likely to cause hemolysis, but many babies will be asymptomatic. Conversely, Coombs negative ABO mismatch does occasionally cause significant hemolysis, but this is rather rare.
n G6PD Deficiency
n Hereditary Spherocytosis
n Glucuronyl Transferase Deficiency Type 1 (Crigler Najar Syndrome)
n GT deficiency Type 2 (Arias Syndrome)
n Polycythemia
n Breastfeeding jaundice occurs early
n It is due to the lack of breast milk
n It is often associated with poor passage of meconium.
n Treatment should be aimed at supporting breastfeeding while supplementing as needed to avoid extreme weight loss, dehydration, and worsening jaundice.
n Breast milk jaundice is a different, more benign entity, which tends to occur late in the first week or afterwards.
n It is actually due to something in the breast milk which tends to prolong jaundice.
n Usually weight gain is good, and the baby is otherwise well.
n Jaundice might persist as late as 3-4 weeks, but usually will peak by 2 weeks.
n Textbook treatment is to interrupt breastfeeding (I usually do not do this).
n Maisels’ and Kring’s study showed that not all early higher TcB will continue going up.
n They divided the rate of rise to be concerned with into
n 6-24hr >0.22/hr
n 24-48 >0.15/hr
n 48+ >0.06/hr
n Phototherapy has been the mainstay of treating hyperbilirubinemia since the 1960s.
n Phototherapy causes structural isomerization, forming lumirubin, which is then excreted in the bile and urine.
n Since photoisomers are water soluble, they should not be able to cross the blood-brain barrier, so starting phototherapy should decrease the risk of kernicterus by turning 20-25% of bilirubin into a form unable to cross, even before the level has lowered significantly.
n Bilirubin absorbs light best at 450 nm, but longer wavelenths penetrate skin better.
n Make sure skin is as exposed as possible and that light is not too far from baby.
n Fiberoptic light (bili blanket) is much less efficacious on its own.
n Double volume exchange transfusion was a common procedure prior to advent of Rhogam and phototherapy.
n Now fortunately a rare occurrence
n Used for bilirubin >25 in a term infant and not decreasing despite phototherapy
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